
Monday, November 26, 2012

My Moytt Staffordshire

I love dishes. Old, new, collectible, silly, fun, you name it. But I have a special place in my heart for my Moytt Staffordshire.

I first posted about them here.

 These are the dishes I remember from my childhood. My mother entertained a lot. Her parties were fun, loud, and lasted until the wee hours of the night.

 So many of my favorite things have been hidden in cupboards and even in the garage! Yes. These beautiful dishes have been in the garage. For nearly ten years. Until, I recently found my white hutch HERE.
 These were never meant to be forgotten on some dusty shelf.

 My mother used them regularly and always had them displayed in here Duncan Phyfe-like dining room set hutch. The children always got the square dishes. Funny, the things you remember.
 My mother's Cock-a-leekie soup always tasted better in these bowls.

 Do I love them for the memories? Yes.

 Do I love them for their story?
 Yes; they were given to my mother by a friend...who thought they were horrid! I love that, because that's how they became mine.

And, I love them because they are beautiful...
They are not displayed in my hutch yet, but they will be. For now they are on the shelf in the bottom cupboard. But, they are safe...and they are mine.

Thank you mom, you knew they were special when your friend didn't want them and you knew they were special to me.

I am partying with:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sonoma, California Wine Country,

 Just before Thanksgiving our friends invited us to the wine country. We love going there with Jennifer and Sawyer. Not only are they great company, but they belong to the wine clubs and as guests our tasting is free...nice perk.

 We met here at,  Gundlach Bunschu. An old favorite, that I haven't been to in a long time.

Let the tasting begin!
Here are our dear friends, Jennifer and Sawyer. We knew Lucas would make many friends when he started Kindergarten over 7 years ago. It turns out we did too.

After a lot of tasting....some nice warm coffee really hit the spot

Ringing the bell and running. Who showed them that rope?  :)
Buena Vista Winery
Our next stop....Buena Vista. I remember coming here with my parents, when Jennifer and Sawyer mentioned it had undergone many changes I felt nostalgic and sad. I was pleasantly surprised with the stunning transformation. It's just beautiful.

New outdoor tasting bar. Of course! So clever, after all, these pictures were taken in November and you can see we enjoy a lot of great weather in Northern California...this is so smart!
No surprise the new owner is French when you see this gorgeous courtyard.So much beautiful French flair.
                 Still welcoming wine tasters and families to have picnics.

You can see the French touch here in the buildings that have been cleaned and updated with gorgeous flower boxes.

They started us off with a sparkling wine. Be still my heart.

Thanks for coming with me today. Have you been to The Californian Wine Country? I ope you get a chance to come, if not.

Don't forget the shopping at the town square in Sonoma....
This could be very dangerous after a few glasses of wine.

You might ask, "How could you do all that with children?"
Yes, we made some good friends 7 years ago in Kindergarten, didn't we?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Homemade Christmas Ornaments

 My mom has the vintage ornament that belonged to my father with tinsel inside. It's one of my favorites, because it was his. So recreating this type of ornament seemed fitting. Nothing could be easier...
 I do have a crush on anything made with sheet music and vintage book pages...I will admit. These are fun and easy to make, but are very time consuming. I like the outcome, so that's fine. Using a paper cutter, cut thin long strips of any type of paper. While still curled up push into the ornament. Easy.
For these,  I just bought a strip of silver tinsel, and we cut piece off and stuffed them into the clear ornaments. You know where I got these clear ornaments, right? Of course, Goodwill. 99 cents for the box.You can find them in plastic or glass. And, again for these, you can use any type of tinsel garland.
 I love the fact Lucie (my little nine year old elf) can help with these. They are easy and...
 She was pretty proud of them.

 I think they mix in well....
It's been fun changing the theme of our tree. I don't do it often. I usually decorate with old ornaments that have some sentimental value. I have so many cute Hallmark ornaments from the early 80s on. I love getting them out every year. Now we just need a trees!

Here are the results:

 Isn't the banner cute? I made this BANNER

Do you change up the theme of your tree every year?

I've been featured!

I am linking up with:
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


Join this party!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Creative Inspiration...Christmas Banner


  1. The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative: "flashes of inspiration".
  2. The quality of having been so stimulated, esp. when evident in something: "a moment of inspiration in an otherwise dull display".

 Every year I wait for it. Better Homes and Gardens, Christmas Ideas...

 It "wows" me....

It....encourages me.

 I copy...

I tweak...


I dream...

Above all....I am inspired...

 Who inspires you??

And, most importantly, I pass it on....

See my other homemade ornaments...Here

I am linking up with:
Adorned From Above
Manic Mother