
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sonoma, California Wine Country,

 Just before Thanksgiving our friends invited us to the wine country. We love going there with Jennifer and Sawyer. Not only are they great company, but they belong to the wine clubs and as guests our tasting is free...nice perk.

 We met here at,  Gundlach Bunschu. An old favorite, that I haven't been to in a long time.

Let the tasting begin!
Here are our dear friends, Jennifer and Sawyer. We knew Lucas would make many friends when he started Kindergarten over 7 years ago. It turns out we did too.

After a lot of tasting....some nice warm coffee really hit the spot

Ringing the bell and running. Who showed them that rope?  :)
Buena Vista Winery
Our next stop....Buena Vista. I remember coming here with my parents, when Jennifer and Sawyer mentioned it had undergone many changes I felt nostalgic and sad. I was pleasantly surprised with the stunning transformation. It's just beautiful.

New outdoor tasting bar. Of course! So clever, after all, these pictures were taken in November and you can see we enjoy a lot of great weather in Northern California...this is so smart!
No surprise the new owner is French when you see this gorgeous courtyard.So much beautiful French flair.
                 Still welcoming wine tasters and families to have picnics.

You can see the French touch here in the buildings that have been cleaned and updated with gorgeous flower boxes.

They started us off with a sparkling wine. Be still my heart.

Thanks for coming with me today. Have you been to The Californian Wine Country? I ope you get a chance to come, if not.

Don't forget the shopping at the town square in Sonoma....
This could be very dangerous after a few glasses of wine.

You might ask, "How could you do all that with children?"
Yes, we made some good friends 7 years ago in Kindergarten, didn't we?


  1. I am sure you all had a great time -looks like you have some happy travellers! Modern tec certainly makes it easier with little ones.
    I have never been to California-maybe some day!

    Thank you for your kind words,


  2. Although I'm a Southern California girl, wine country up north is my favorite part of California. We visit as frequently as we can. Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

  3. Wow! Looks like you had a fantastic day Karen! What beautiful scenery! How lucky you are! We have had snow in my city for over a month now, so the sunshine looks wonderful to me! Have a lovely week! Angie xo

  4. I grew up in Southern Cali but NEVER have been north. Isn't that sad? Now I'm in Oklahoma and don't know WHEN I'll get there. Looks so beautiful. Loved the story and the tour. Be still my heart, TOO!

    Love, Rebecca PS: Just thought you'd like to know the restaurant servicing the homeless man was none other than Denney's! :)

  5. Karen,
    Lovely post. Stopping by to wish you Happy Holidays!

  6. I love those little white birds with the brown wings. So lovely. Friends are important, aren't they?



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