
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Photo Banner

 Putting some of the final touches together for Mom's 70 Th birthday party. I love the idea of a photo banner. I am not going to lie, it's difficult to find the birthday with EVERY guest that's coming. That was the hardest part.
 You never want someone's feelings hurt when the arrive and find that they haven't made the banner! Putting it together...very easy. Remove framed photos, prints etc. Find a location that allows guests to really look at all the photos. Use Jute twine and clothes pins.

 Impact....I think it's there. It sure has made me tear up a few times. I went back and forth on what to say with my vinyl Cricut letters. It was going to be "70 years of friends, family and love." then, "70 years of friends, family and laughs." Then, "70 years of amazing memories"....and finally I just went with "70 Years of...," because, well, the pictures say it all.

 While on my Cricut vinyl kick I added, "Welcome," to the door. I am convinced I need to buy a new cartridge with a simple cursive. I wanted to write, "come on in," etc. But, I went with "Welcome." I am good with Cricut...not so much with measuring, etc. It's off set. That's okay ;) I used my Cricut for the party favors as well. If you missed take a look here!

Three more days!!!!!!!!!!!
 Now it's time for cooking and cleaning!


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Come share your cup!!


  1. Your Mom is going to love what you've done! The banner is such a great idea. I love the party favors, too. Yum!!

    1. Thank you, Kitty! I ope she loves all I have done. I have two days left to prepare! We'll see how it all goes! I need to figure out a way to display the party favors without having the kids take them all during the day and eat them all ;) Maybe something else for them?

  2. What a fun idea for a birthday banner! Hope the party turns out great!


    1. Thank you, Trisha! It's supposed to 80 degrees with no wind. I counting on it, because we have a very small house and well over 30 guests expected!

  3. I think you're birthday photo banner is awesome! I', sure it's going to be a huge hit at the party!

    1. Thank you, Tuula! Still missing a few guests! It was harder than I thought to get everyone in a photo with my mom. Going through the photos, the person may have been at the party, event, etc., but didn't get a in picture with my mom! Still missing my brother-in-law. That won't fly with my sister. Have to find one today! :)

  4. Wow, what an amazing, fun and conversation starting banner! No doubt the party will be fun-enjoy:@)

    1. Thank you!! I took these last three days off before Saturday. We started preparing the garden months ago. Hopefully by mid-afternoon Friday I will feel prepared, because like you said, I want to enjoy the moment as well!!

  5. What a cute idea. I know your Mom is going to have such a great time as well as all of her guests. You've done so many wonderful things in preparation for her party.


    1. Thank you, Judy! I am not going to lie, it's been a lot of work, but she's worth it! :)

  6. What a wonderful banner! I think that is like the best thing ever at a birthday party! Your Mom will love it!

    1. Thank you, Linda. It's one thing I have been able to keep secret from her. I hope she is touched. A few of the friends, including her best childhood friend, and my dad, are no longer with us, but they are on the banner many times over. I think she may get choked up a bit. Hopefully everyone will enjoy finding themselves!

  7. Oh I love personal and really special! Such a lovely gift for your mother...I know she will be very touched!

    1. Thank you, Linda! I haven't told her about the banner. I think she'll like it when she gets here. Flowers are being sent from guests that can't come, etc. I think she'll feel like a queen for the day :)

  8. What a cheerful site..and the bday for you really made it an ocassion to remember didn't you..I know she appreciated it. Good for never pays to procrastinate and NOT do this big affairs..time is precious.
    I am following from Jann Olson's blog

    Like Gramma's House blog

    1. Thanks, Jonell! It has been very time consuming and costly. I don't do these things a lot! That's for sure. We have a tiny house and it has to be cleared out and cleaned up forever to make space :) Saturday....I can relax and have fun! Love your blog. I am a new follower!

  9. Oh, Karen. Mom will have the best time!! What a great tribute to her from you. I love the idea of it and you are so smart to have all those photos from years back. There won't be a dry eye in the house..Happy Birthday Ms. Mom..Happy Thursday..Judy

  10. What a wonderful surprise this will be. It's almost impossible to put 70 years of friends and family together like this, but I think you GOT IT!

    1. Thanks, Betsy! She loved it. Tried to get a few pictures of her when she saw it for the first time. She just loved it and pulled people over to look at with her. It was a hit :)

  11. I L-O-V-E this photo banner! What a GREAT idea!!! I'm sure there were a lot of emotions that came to the fore as you rifled through photos in search of just the right ones, but that is to be expected. (I recently went through some old photos and looked like Ozzy Osbourne around my eyes by the time I was through!) I love this idea and think I may do something similar for a few upcoming events. Thank you for the inspiration! Awwwwww....this is REALLY neat!!! :-)

  12. This is sooo cool...but can see how hard it would be to come up with pictures of everyone.
    She will LOVE it.

  13. What a great idea, will have to keep in mind for upcoming events. fondly ~lynne~

  14. You are such a dear heart.

    I can't wait to see the picture of your Mom's face - you have really gone all out!


  15. Karen, I love the photo banner too! Such a fun way to travel down memory lane. I had to laugh about the big job of making sure everyone is included. It made me think of a picture quilt that was put together for my MIL & FIL's 50th anniversary. My SIL did most of the work and she tried so hard to make sure everyone in the family was on it somewhere. That night we were inspecting it and realized that she had left herself off. So happy to have you join with SYC. Happy Birthday to your sweet mother!

  16. Karen,
    Happy Birthday to your mom! 70 years, that's so special. Love the banner, and I'm sure you had so many wonderful memories on there.



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