
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April is the cruelest month....

APRIL is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.

 Read the rest of T.S. Eliot's Wasteland here

 Yesterday, I took time to see the  marvels April brings in my garden. I was stunned by all the buds about to burst on my Star Jasmine.

 Pretty ground cover...completely taking over the bark.

I remember being young and so impressionable when I first heard a lecture on T.S. Eliot's, Wasteland.  I studied humanities in college. That's what we did, talk about poems, paintings, and music. I think of his words, when I soak in the beauty around me. In a strange way it is cruel. So, pure, so good....and yet there will be times ahead that do not resemble April.

But, for is April and everything is beautiful. Soon my Snowball Viburnum will be huge and white. I will place them in an old ironstone pitcher and think fondly of my dad, who taught me to love and respect nature.

 Just look at this happy vine. I can't wait to show you pictures of it in full bloom.


 The second picture in this post was taken yesterday. This is the same spot today....little by little....

 I wish I could tell you I had been away in the Caribbean, or off to Paris, but the truth is, I was just holding down the fort being a working mom. It's been a busy time of year. Lucie who was three years behind on reading has since caught up in her new school and is receiving awards and doing well. Lucas just received an award from the superintendent of our schools for a perfect score on his state testing in math. They are both signed up for summer camp and excited.

Looking forward to showing my latest great find! You won't believe it....pure luck!

I have missed you all and I am happy to have some free time over "vacation." Which reminds me. Today while I was feeling sad that I am not doing anything fun over our Easter Vacation (I sound just like a teenager!). I posted on Facebook not be jealous that I was having my carpets cleaning and taking the kids to the dentist for vacation today. I was pouting...waiting for the carpet cleaning people. When they arrived I had to move my car for the carpet van. No shoes. No make up. Wet hair. Glam. My young, single, neighbor stopped her car to say hello. She asked about Lucie and Lucas and then, I asked her what she was up to today. She said, actually she was leaving for India in a few hours. Then two weeks in Scandinavia, business. I waved good-bye in my barefoot in my driveway and just had to laugh..........




  1. Oh, I can't wait till my garden is blooming this spring and summer. Thanks for the blooms.


  2. WOW. Your garden is lovely, already. And, I loved your perspective, you obviously appreciate the beauty of nature, it is not wasted on you. Thanks for sharing with us.

  3. After looking at all your blooms, I feel much better with the snow we got. Another couple of weeks and we should start seeing real signs of spring. The robins are back, so that's a start.
    By the way, I've had many a staycation myself.

  4. You are so lucky Karen! We still have snow on the ground here and a snow storm is forecast for tomorrow. Enjoy your garden and plants! Angie xo

  5. I think we all have times that we get behind on blogging. What beautiful flowers. I took a couple humanities classes and really enjoyed them.

  6. Hello Karen, your gardens are truly beautiful. Doesn't it feel good , that Spring has arrived? It's suppose to be in the 80's next week. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  7. Magnifiques fleures!

    Bonne semaine!!

    xxx Maria xxx

  8. Karen, congratulations to both Lucie and Lucas. What wonderful news for both! I can relate to being busy, and I'm retired and not a mom. '-) Love seeing your garden.


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