
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sur La Table Red and White Polka-Dot mugs

 As if synchronized, the sun has been shining bright every day since Christmas.
                                   It feels fresh and new like 2013.
   Lucie exclaimed, "Oh....yes! Modern!" when she saw our bright tablescape.
 She has not quite caught the vintage bug and likes it bright and cheerful.
 My lemons were a gift from Grandma's friend in "Sun City." How appropriate. I am envisioning a lemon tart with a shortbread crust!
 My "new" bowls from GW were 49 cents each. My vintage wire basket was $3.99. Did you know that a Mr. Clean eraser will clean up the exposed ceramic/porcelain on the bottom of your teacups, bowls and the like? Works like a charm.
          I feeling fresh, bright an hopeful for what the new year holds. Some events will surely be out of my control, but my attitude is all me. How I react, how I rise and's all a choice and I am feeling good.
                   Polk-dots and bright yellow lemons.....that's how I feel.
 But, it will be mixed in with my vintage friends because I can't let go of the past. It's a part of who I am now...a reminder.
My Grandma Sabine's Soup Tureen...

 Did you hit the sales after Christmas? Besides by bowls and mugs from Sur La table for 49 cents each I also got some pretty red party supplies at Target. I LOVE scoring on all the Christmas red, but Valentine's Day is right around the corner!

            My red and white bakers twine was 50 cents each!

Appetizer swizzle sticks 1/2 off. Didn't want to wait for 70% off. Thought they might be gone. and I LOVE my little red heavy duty party plates that hold your wine glass. 8 count for $2. Ching ching!!

And now; like I promised....

I have to admit. I loved wearing my centerpiece!!!!!! Might make these for all of us next year! Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!!!!!

I am linking up with:

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Tweak It Tuesday

The Thrifty Groove

One Artsy Mama


  1. Karen,
    I saw the red polka dot cups on my blog, and had to come over and see. You know I love red, and I am a polka dot girl too! These are so pretty for the new year. I have splashes of red in my kitchen all year long. You look wonderful in this picture. Happy New Year!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

    1. Thanks! I too love red! I couldn't pass these up! They are bright and fun and I need that in 2013! Happy New Year!

  2. How cute! Love the polka dots! The are so fun and pretty! You scored some really great finds! Happy New Year to you and your family!

    1. Thanks, Shenita! I thought they were fun too! Happy New Year to you!

  3. WOW!! You really scored some GREAT frugal treasures, well done!

    1. Thanks Michele! I just love all the 50% off sales right now! It's fun! Thanks for stopping by! Happy New Year!

  4. 50 cent twine!! Jealous! You did get some great hits. And i love your table decor- the red and white and yellow together just pop so much.

    Cute hat! Love that picture. We really were pretty lame on New Years Eve and barely made it until midnight.

    1. Thanks Emmy.'s not easy staying up with kids on New Year's Eve!! I barely made it. We had a silly string "fight" in front of the house at midnight. Then I couldn't get back to sleep until 2 am. Yikes! Up at 7. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. What a cute cute photo of you and your beautiful daughter! I know you had fun! And everything does look so fresh and pretty. My house is a disaster right now...I can't wait to get it finished tomorrow! I love that baker's twine...I need to find some! Sweet hugs!

    1. Thanks, Diane! Tried to get Lucas in the photo with us, but once again he just made faces! We had a really nice evening. Went to Czechoslovakian restaurant and home for dessert. I love my twine too. Now, I just need to use it! Maybe for treats on Valentine's Day!

  6. Karen- That is such a cute picture of you and your little girl. She is darling and who wouldn't love to wear their centerpiece (unless it consisted of burning candles). I did not hit any sales this year because I have way.too.much.stuff. xo Diana

    1. Thanks, Diana! What's nice about Lucie is that she is as sweet as she is cute. She has a big heart and is so caring and thoughtful! I did hit the sales but I tried to stick to stocking stuffers for next year and gift wrap because after hitting the sales for years and years I finally need some new wrap!! I bought my crackers for next year too. But, I am making excuses....I HAVE WAY TOO MUCH stuff too!!!

  7. What a cheery post to match your cheery finds. Polka dots have always been and still remain one of my favorite things. I always told my girls, no one can possibly be unhappy when wearing polka dots! Still holds true today. Happy new year.

    1. You are so right! Every time I walk into the room I smile when I see the table! I think that's what Lucie was trying to say when she said, modern. :) She likes it cheerful and bright. I am liking it too. Now if I could just get some furniture re-done like you!! I love your blog. I hope I get motivated on a few pieces I have this year!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks! I am glad you stopped by!! Looking forward to 2013 and following your blog!!

  9. This is the most cheerful post I've read all day! Great finds and what a darling girl to ring in the new year with!

  10. I will be near a Sur La Table tomorrow so I am going hunting for those cute polka dot dishes.

    Thanks for reminding me to hit the shops for mark downs. I have avoided the shops since before Christmas.

    1. Hope you had fun shopping! Did they still have these polka dot plates? Not sure how recent they are. I went back to Goodwill and Lucie (my daughter) yelled, "Mama!" she had found a plate that matches the set! She's my good little shopper!

  11. Wow, you scored really good finds! I love those bowls! Your Grandma's soup tureen is beautiful too! Your picture with your little one, Priceless!

    1. Thanks, Cristina!! I had the soup tureen up above the cabinets in the kitchen. It's nice to have down for now. Lucie found a dessert plate to match the bowls and mugs yesterday at Goodwill. I was happy! Thanks for stopping by!! Hope the new year is off to a good start for you!

  12. Oh my gosh, love you in the hat! Did little one want to try it on? Can't believe your bargains. I thought getting my bakers twine for $4 was a good deal. I've seen it as high as $14. I have quite a few red & white dotty items. They will come out for Valentines. I use them often for every day, but especiall love them for so many holidays. I love mixing old and new so grandma's tureen was perfect. Love the addition of lemons. Guess what I just made this morning? Lemon bars. Not from fresh lemons I must admit. I would love if you linked this to Share Your Cup.
    p.s. Forgot to mention that I think it's all about ATTITUDE! Keeping a positive additude makes all of the difference in the world.

    1. Darn! Lucie didn't ask to wear and therefore I got no pictures of her in it. That would have been so cute!! I am looking forward to using all my dotty things for Valentine's Day! I joined Share Your Cup!!! Love your parties! Thank you!

  13. I love the old with the new so much. You have a great decorators eye. Lovely every photo.

    xo, Jeanne

  14. Your table makes me happy! What great finds!!! I need to take a shopping trip with you!!!

  15. Loved and enjoyed visiting your blog. I tend to like the antique things more now that I am antique myself.

  16. Wow!
    You really scored some great finds!
    I am in love with those darling red and white polka dot dishes.
    I would have snatched those up too :)

    You look adorable in your party hat!

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

  17. The polka dots and lemons are so refreshing! I love the bright colors during this cold, drab time of year!


  18. LOVE those sweet polka dot bowls! :) What a great pop of color.
    I think those top hats will be perfect next year. What a fantastic party hat!

    Happy New Year!


  19. Yes, it looks great and cheerful indeed! How cute are those little bowls? Love lemons, and they look so pretty in your basket. Your grandma's tureen is so special, too. Happy New Year!

  20. You are quite the bargain hunter! Believe it or not, I didn't hit the sales this year, I'm trying to create a studio area and that kept me busy. I enjoyed your post, though : )

    Happy New Year!


  21. Loving that centrepiece, but just love, love the spots! Diane

  22. Oh I love your red & white dotted mugs & bowls! So pretty & so much fun! Of course, the lemons are a perfect compliment to them.

  23. Hi, your vignettes are full of joy. The lemons are so special.

    Thanks for your kind visit. Happy New Year!


  24. Karen, that lemon tart sounds delicious! We've had a lot of grey days and rain since Christmas, but the sun came out this morning! Love your new bowls and mugs, too! Happy New Year to you!

  25. A multi-functional centerpiece, Karen ~ that's great! I love it! Love your red and whites. I was going to take down red and white polka dot ribbon I had tied about for Christmas but stopped and realized it would work fine for Valentine's Day, too.

  26. Looks great!!! Love the "happy" centerpiece...and the hat!! Blessings in 2013 :) Laurel

  27. Great after Christmas finds. I love your centerpiece! : ) I love the photo of you girls. I really need to reconfigure and organize my blogs. I am missing so many great posts!

    On my last post I said that I slept in till 9:30.... oh girl, it was amazing!! For some reason I wake up between 6 & 7 every morning. One if my goals this year is to sleep better.

  28. Your table looks so bright and cheery! I love your beautiful soup tureen!!

  29. Everything is so cheerful...perfect for a New Year. Enjoyed reading your post too. Thanks!

  30. what a fun and cheery setting! lovely combination

  31. what a fun and cheery setting! lovely combination

  32. Your blog is awesome. Cheers! Good luck and more power!

  33. we really enjoyed your article, thanks for sharing and more power!

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