
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Friday Fill-ins


1. Wake up and make a difference every day.
2. I should write about all the fun we had.
3. Every picture of the kids is priceless to me.
4. You know there's trouble when the kids are a little too quiet.
5. Stay with the people that make you feel good.
6. Spent my paycheck before it arrived in a thousand ways.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a glass of wine and jammies, tomorrow my plans include making a banner with my new Cricut and Sunday, I want to be caught up and relax before the crazy week begins!

Come join the fun!

 Don't forget to enter my Jelly Bean giveaway!




  1. Nice fill-ins!

    I like the wine and jammies one best - though your Crikut sounds awesome. My daughter has one and I keep meaning to borrow it...........

    1. Me too, I can't wait for that part. I had to back in and change my answers or the part I fill in, to red. Sorry. It was all in the same print for some reason....The Cricut is fun! I hope I get better at it. :)

  2. This is a fun post and gets us caught up in a hurry! I'll try to do this soon. I love making lists! Sweet hugs! Happy Friday!

    1. Oh Man....I see now that it's all in the same print. I'll have to change that. She gives you part of the sentence and you have to fill it in :) Doesn't make sense the way it printed up. Is it Friday yet? :)

  3. I loved reading your answers. What a fun little exercise. xo Diana

  4. I love, "stay with the people that make you feel good", so true. Thank you for following my selling series, how odd that your sales are all being shipped East and down south....Hum, there has to be a reason for that!!


  5. I have had a Cricut for years and barely used it until I became a Preschool teacher, now I don't know how I would survive with out it ;-) I like your fill~in to all the fun we had......I should probably write about that too!

    1. I think I am going to love my Cricut. We'll see. I have a ton of card-stock paper to use in every imaginable pattern, so certainly hope I use it! I bet your classroom is cute!!!!

  6. I laughed at the "before it arrives, I spend my paycheck a thousand ways. Whenever I do an "extra" duty at school, I think of all the things I will spend it on. I usually don't follow through on any of them.

    1. Haven't received my paycheck. The bills are lined up on the table. :) Fill in Fridays are fun. They are a lot harder than they seem!! :) Happy weekend!

  7. oh so cozy ... think I'll d the wine and jammies bit, too!

  8. I can't wait for jammy time! It's my favorite part of the day!! Happy Friday!

  9. #4 is so true!

    It is when everything gets quite that you begin to wonder what they are up to.

    1. No kidding, right? Thanks for stopping by! My last post was a Jelly Bean giveaway and it's still open!

  10. I totally hear you, Karen! I NEED my Sundays!!


  11. One of my BFF's used to own what they called in Redwood City a "collective". Here we just call them antique stores where lots of folks have booths! LOL! Anyway, I loved to go visit when she had to work. I'd hang around the shop look at the stuff and think how I could get what I liked back to Minnesota with me.


  12. Just checking to see if you still wanted to be in the heart swap. If so let me know a.s.a.p.

  13. Hello Karen,
    I love number five on your list, and I feel the same way. We went up to Grass Valley today and just browsed around at all the shops. Do you ever go up there or to Nevada City? They both have charming old towns that I think you'd like.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

    1. Oh, yes! My mom was raised in Grass Valley! I love Nevada City. We know the people that own the hat shop there. I used to go up to the Dicken's Christmas Faire there. So fun!! We haven't been there in long time! Sunday and Monday we took the kids skiing near Reno :) It's a small world, isn't it?

      Number five is a good one...took me awhile to really understand that one in life :)
      Hope the rest of your weekend goes well!


Thanks for your feedback! It makes my day getting comments!