
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fall Swap

I participated in my first fall swap!! It was so much fun. My partner had one unfair disadvantage though. She is talented! Boy she put me to shame! Bonnie....I love everything you gave me! Look at what an amazing partner she was:

My Fall Swap!

Bonnie's amazing banner. She made this! I couldn't have thought up a banner I would have wanted more. 

Great packaging!

When I saw the parcel I knew I was in for something special. She had so much detail and added love. The nests the birdcages and the tags! So many little touches.

Gorgeous handmade card that goes with the outside of the box. Look at the stuffing........isn't that adorable?

Packed so cutely. 

Enjoying the wee hours of the morning with my treasures!

I have been up since midnight. That's what time I woke up...this morning. It's now 5:15. I have kind of enjoyed this time I had.  I did laugh while lighting the fire. It's supposed to be at least 95 degrees this weekend.

Gorgeous craftsmanship! 
Beautiful details!!! 
along with my beautiful banner....these two sweet pumpkins. One for Lucas and One for Lucie. How sweet is that?

Okay....... homemade coasters! How sweet is that. I just love these! The colors are perfect for me!
As if that wasn't enough, I get this very cool necklace. I love it. I plan on wearing it this weekend to  a party at my French friend's house!

The necklace is made from a vintage domino! Love it.
Thank you, Bonnie. I feel very spoiled. If it weren't for you may house wouldn't feel like fall at all. with the heat I have not been motivated to decorate. I am so happy now with all these gifts and fall touches. 
 It's finally fall at the Reynas!
Poor Bonnie. I didn't not put as much effort into her gift...I tried, but I was not as clever and talented as her. For my first swap, I have to say, I really enjoyed it!!! Bonnie just made it so special!!

Thank you, Bonnie. You've seen what Bonnie can do and how fun she is so please visit Bonnie:

Also, a big thank you to Deb for hosting this great swap! She's such a sweet lady....if you don't follow her yet don't miss out:


  1. What a cute banner!! Perfect for fall. And gosh, the packaging was just as lovely!!!

    1. I know! She put so much thought and creativity into everything! The packing is super cute. It's motivating me to spruce up my shipments for Etsy!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rechelle! I love my banner! It looks so cute on the mantel. Makes me happy!

  3. Hi Karen...You are ready for fall. Loved seeing your decor. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. I think Mo is a treasure. Susan

  4. You are so welcome, Karen! I thought it was a great swap and love my banner and all the fall things you sent. Now to take pictures and do my blog! I'm
    in the midst of setting up our Oct. Farmgirls Country Sale and everything else
    seems to slide...

    Talk to you soon - so much fun to meet you! Your blog is so pretty!


    1. Well, you really spoiled me. Good luck with your Farmgirls Country Sale!!! I would love to be there. I bet it will be fantastic!

  5. You got a great fall banner. Looks so good on the mantel. Thelma Dangerfield's is a really great name for an antique store.

    1. Thanks, I thought so too. Bonnie is so talented! I wish I still had an old business card from my mom's shop. Her best friend, who taught art, drew their made up character "Thelma Dangerfield" in black and white on the card...she was great :)

  6. What a great fall banner! She did a great job.


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