
Monday, May 28, 2012

The Palazzo, Vegas

Happy Memorial Day!

While on vacation we made our regular stop off at The Palazzo. We always have our car and hotel hopping is very easy. So we just drove right into The Palazzo parking lot, took the elevator and checked out their ever changing display. I was happy to find the display was set for Memorial day.

I am not surprised that The Palazzo was paying their respects. They are known for doing wonderful things, especially for our troops.

Take a moment and watch this touching video. The Palazzo thanks some wounded soldiers with an all expense paid well deserved vacation.

Happy Memorial day.......

Miss you Daddy.

My Daddy....1938-2008

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful tribute to our service people..the hotel and taking it one step further to the video.

    God bless your Daddy in Heaven- xo Diana


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