
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Garage Sale Saturday!!!

It's that time of week again!!!! I came back with some fun treasures. Now where to put them all before Stan comes back with the kids!!!! In my defense I spent only $30 some odd dollars. Amazing. Here is some of what I got.

 A few things I just couldn't pass up because the price. I love my little Royal Albert teapot, cups and saucers for two. Just gorgeous. $3 for all 6 pieces. I had no choice. Cannot wait to have a spot of tea with Stany this winter when the kids are in bed.

Next, I bought a Christmas cookie platter. Did not NEED it, but it was only $1 and I really like it. If I bring treats to party, I won't be upset if I accidentally leave it...I am  I only paid $1.

These are perfect for a HAlloween display I have in mind. I can fill it with plastic spiders and something else creep. I like them. they are 50 cents each.

I thought this was great....okay, so I have nothing in this color scheme. I CAN MAKE IT WORK! It was $3....come on!!
My new William's Sonoma plate are super cute too! $5 for the set of dinner plates.

Time to wash all the dishes and get everything hidden, before Stan gets home!

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to have seen my teapot on EBAY today for $339.00. I think that was a good deal I got.


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