
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Halloween Costumes. What do you want to be for Halloween?

Soon, it will be that time of year again....Halloween! We ask our children the same question every year. What do you want to be for Halloween? Many of us go shopping and spend a small fortune on the costume of their dreams (for that week). I have a little secret. We shop at home and the kids think that's normal. I took Lucie "shopping" this morning to pick out her Halloween costume.

Here they are this year. Welcome to our Halloween closet. Sure the selection is limited, but Lucie has never known the difference. She was as excited to see her choices hanging here as she would be if we were in a costume shop. She knows no difference. As I garage sale each year, I keep my eye out for costumes. I know how expensive they are at retail price. The most I paid for any of these (and many included accessories and shoes) was $5.Costumes are often worn one night.
  I spent $5 on this costume. It's an American Girl Costume. It included the jeweled crown and necklace. What's funny, is looking back on this I really hesitated to buy it. The price seemed steep. Also looking back, I want to strangle myself, when I think about ALL the other American Girl costumes they had lined up on rack that I turned down. What a steal.

There are always hoards of Disney princess costumes from the Disney Store at garage sales. Have you been into the Disney Store during Halloween? These are not cheap. Lucie could choose between, Belle, Snow White and Cinderella this year. Shoes included. Since they are from the Disney store, they are a bit longer and made better than those found at target and the like. I think I paid about $3 for each of these at different times, different years.

 Love this "poodle" skirt with it's pearl embellished belt buckle and leash. It's very cute.

This was Lucie's costume from the year before last. It's too small now. it goes to the consignment store, where I usually get back more than I paid for it and someone STILL gets a good deal!
Last year in her $2 costume. I loved this one, because it kept her warm! She loved it too!

 Three years ago, Minnie Mouse. Yes, you know....under $5 for the whole outfit. I made Lucas' skeleton outfit here. It was a template on line and I made the bones with felt. He loved it and wore it for two years!

I loved these homemade Bumble costumes. I bought two matching costumes at a garage sale for $2, but Lucie wanted to be the black cat. I found everything for the black cat at different garage sales. Not only can you get great clothes, slippers and tap shoes are always available! I have an entire drawer for Lucie dedicated just to dance and gymnastics. Better get her in a class.

So, what did Lucie chose this year???

She picked the pink poodle skirt. Now I'll have to keep my eyes out for some cute shoes. :) Pictures of Lucie in her pig-tails to follow!


  1. What a great idea to have a costume closet. My Grandmother use to make me costumes on her sewing machine, when I was small. My Mom saved them through the years and now my nieces wear them.

  2. Oh, that's wonderful! I wish I could sew!!! Do you have any pictures of the different generations in the same costumes?


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