
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Garage Sale Day!

God knows I don't NEED anything, but I couldn't help myself. I only took $45 with me and told myself, "self, when it's gone you go home." I listened too and I was home before 10 a.m. today. Here is some of what I bought:

$2 birdcage. Maybe spray painted black for Halloween with my black crows and big branches. Iron Stone bowls 25 cents each. The platter was $2

My "spring" banner was $1. This picture doesn't do it justice. The pastels are actually very bright. The hymnal book was 10 cents and I have many a project in mind for the "sheet music look."

Sheet music Christmas trees, napkin rings, gift tags, gift wrap for small items, etc.!!!

Love my toile Apron! I needed an apron for an up coming cooking class I am going the Cordon Blue, mind you! I am going to learn how to make French Macarons with my girlfriend. Isn't this perfect? $1

Lucie in her cute $1 dress. I love, love, love the sleeves! Don't mind the mess behind her. We always spread our goods out all over after garage sale-ing!

The shoes are much too big for Lucie, but since they were new and classic I went ahead and forked out the $1 for them ;) I usually buy five times this much clothes for Lucie, but because of that.....I have had to cut back. She's slowly taking over all of our closets in the house.

That is some of the stuff I bought today. Not shown, a cute pink blow up sleeping bag for Lucie. It's pink and came with the battery operated pump for $5. Now she can have that when Grandma comes to spend the night. I got some Halloween pot holders, a birthday banner, Two VCR tapes; "Babe Pig in a Big City" and "Lady and the Tramp", a cute white eyelet dust ruffle for Lucie's bed and a box of CD label stickers for the computer printer.

Here is what Lucie got along with a few odds and ends, a book, two Christmas ornaments, a necklace and a brand new box of chalk.
Now, she can go to "Girl Scout Camp" in style...

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