
Monday, July 18, 2011

Vintage Staffordshire Dishes.

I bought this cute shabby Pie holder for $4 recently at a garage sale. It's been taking up space on my counter. A few weeks ago I even bought three new plates for it, at World Market. They were too big for it and I had to return them. I had the idea of using it strictly for goodies at a party.

Then, while wandering around in an antique shop today, it hit old vintage Staffordshire china! I am embarrassed to admit that they were just in a box on a shelf in the garage.

Read about how I came across this set here.

I always loved the square plates. I have never found the name for this Staffordshire design. I have fond memories of these growing up. My mom used them all the time when we had company.

I thrilled with how it turned out. I am so happy I remembered these dishes and can have them on display now.

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