
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bottle Brush Christmas Trees and Other Garage Sale Finds!

It's Saturday and it's yard sale season! Woo hoo! We promised the kids a family movie morning, but I got to sneak out for an hour or so....not my usual 6:30-1 p.m.over in my favorite town sprint!!! I am running out of room for everything so it's probably a good thing I wasn't gone long. I even passed up five or so on the way home. I didn't stop people. There must be some award for that....or you get a dunce's cap. Not sure which.

Here are my finds for today:

All of these goodies for $2. I am espeically interested in the bottle brush trees. Did you know you  can simply dip them in a bleach/water solution and dye them white? Or teal? Depending on how long you leave them in. I just tried it a few days ago and it was so easy!

Here are the three I tried. They now have a vintage pretty look. They need some glitter and I am thinking of teeny tiny pink and/or blue bulbs or sliver sequins. I used an old empty plastic container. Just dipped them in. They stayed tip down in the solution. I just turned it a few times. Took about 5 minutes. Then I rinsed them well and dried them on a paper towel. So, I have  a few more to do now!

Working on some Glitter boxes........not quite there yet, but I have time.

I found this pretty filigree mirrored tray and these retro pillow case for only $1 

Pretty detail.

L'occitane is one of my favorites and it's expensive....these are new and PERFECT  for  my  purse! All three gift packs for $1

Some interesting dollies. Not sure what I'll do with all of those, but they are pretty. $1 and my mugs...English Transferware. And, of course the Rolling pin. Why, because I want to make these....

You'll be directed to the original sites through my "project" board on Pinterest. I have over 400 pins on this board. I guess I plan on keeping busy.

Close up of the dollies. Paper projects, a tablescape of some sort. Any ideas???

And...these super funky retro candles.........
That's it.....more cute clothes for Lucas, some Michael Jordan basketball shorts, two DSi games, and a rubber ducky for Lucie.

If you have gone out treasuring hunting today...I hope you found some good ones!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Garage Sale

I spotted a garage sale on my way to drop the kids off at camp. On my way home I went directly to the sale. I was excited when I saw it's a woman that has sales regularly and her kids are one size above both of mine. That means possible clothes for Lucas and Lucie. Love it. she never has a ton of things, but once again I found ten articles of clothing....$1 each.

Two hoodies for Lucas and a pair of holes in the knees...yet. At a $1 a pair, it won't even bother me when they come like that after three times wearing them. 
Three long sleeves shirts for winter. In Northern California he will not be able to where these until  the end of  October.

Cute purple skirt for Lucie....picture makes in look faded, but it's bright and like new.  Three pairs of jeans in her size.  Two are cropped...cute.

Love the little patchwork...
That's it. Nothing for me......expect a some savings. $10 of all of this. Not bad. I have done better, but pretty good. Especially finding things for Lucas. Always more clothes available for girls.

Harry Potter Legos, The Forbidden Corridor

I just can't help myself. I am home all summer so I have been dragging the kids to the thrift store after I pick them up from camp. I am usually looking for vintage goodies, but look what I found for Lucas:

Couple days of fun and a new addition to his growing collection for $2.99

First day. The only thing missing...the instructions. There are several versions to build. Lucas picked one and  just followed the image. You can always find them on line though if needed.

I must have said 10 times in the GW, "Don't be disappointed if there are missing pieces". I think I was just trying to tell myself it was okay. I was surprised that it was a complete kit. I mean, the little flute, the little flames, the tiny key to the door, etc. All there!

Making progress.......

Good job Lucas!

Just out of curiosity I looked them up to see how much the kit costs.....

They are sold as collection sets or as new....but no longer in stores? I am not sure. Could it be true? $148 and/0r $79.00?? Are they not making them anymore?? Well, good thing I found for $2.99 because I am not putting out $80 let alone $148 for that. Can you imagine all the vintage dishes I could get for that?  :)

Okay........enough of Lucas and toys. I need to get ready and go find something for Mamma today!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ten Things To Smile About

                                          Ten Things to Smile About: 

 1.) School is out! For both me and the kids! Yahoo!

 2.) Camp started the following Monday! Yahoo! From 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. every day until August 3 rd.

3.) On Thursdays the kids go to the public pool with camp. The first day at the pool, Lucie finally jumped off the high dive!

4.) Lucas got to participate in a Academic Talent Search Camp at Sacramento State. He took Engineering/Architecture. I am happy to say he LOVED it.   

5.) I had to take Lucas to camp everyday at 9 a.m. I had three hours to myself each day. I went to thrift stores, Starbucks, the mall and old Sacramento...all by myself for hours. It was nice.

I found so many goodies everyday!

6.) I have finally caught up on the gardening.

  7.) We got a crossover! Three rows of seats. I am loving it.

 8.) Went to see Brave with my mom and Lucie. I think we all cried. Lucas saw Madagascar 3 with  Daddy. Lucas can't wait for this one. It's all he talks about:

9.) The second week of camp, a different holiday was celebrated each day. On Friday, Halloween, Lucie won cutest contest. She was a Munchkin from the Wizard of Oz. My cousin Danelle made the outfit for her daughter's play.

My little Munchkin!

 10.) Best thing to smile about? 8 extra hours in my day. Going at a slower pace and seeing my kids run to me after a wonderful day of camp with exciting stories to tell me! It's been a great first month of summer!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Moss Balls

Remember the galvanized buckets I "up-cycled" with all French book pages? I bought some moss balls at Michael's today. I think I like this trendy look. I love moss, how about you?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thrift Store Thursday!

Once again Lucas had to be chauffeured to Sacramento for his engineering camp. So, what's a girl to do? Shop. For some reason Christmas things were just jumping out at me. I know....stop. It's nuts but, Christmas has already been discussed in our family. Sickening. So, here are a few of the things I found.  I really needed a new tablecloth (Sure) and I was really pulled towards this one. Maybe it's the 12 days of Christmas theme, maybe it's because it's obviously never been used, or because it's Macy's Charter Club...who knows. I like it. Doesn't match my wedding china, but maybe I'll find a set Christmas dishes tomorrow.

Got this nice big rusty bucket today too. $4.99. I might do some up-cycling. Not sure.  Since I am on a Christmas WOULD be good for our book a night advent calendar. 

something ladies dancing...

10 pipers....11? Pipers piping....

some number drummers drumming....

This also played a role in why I bought it.

Thought these were adorable. "A Happy Holiday To You" Royal Crownford, By Norma Sherman. Staffordshire, England. 

I don't even remember 1996. No milestones...what's wrong with me?  I'll probably start a whole new collection now!

1995....nope. Nothing. But it's cute. $2.99 each. Steep for this garage sale girl but, I like them


Not sure what was going on today. Maybe I slipped and fell and hit my head on some mistletoe?  I was not seeking out Christmas stuff. I just realized later that...that's what I got. At different Goodwill stores too.  This is Target...I recognize it. Tag said $14.99. It is like new and I like hook rugs. It matches my colors...I paid $3.99.

I like the warm colors. Will be nice in the half a year!!!!! LOL

Hum....I am craving eggnog now.   :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Old Sacramento

Old Sacramento has always been one of favorites. It's a wonderful place to play tourist. That's just what I got to do today. Lucas (10) is taking an ATS, engineering/architecture class/camp at Sacramento State University. Since it's over 20 minutes away, I have been playing in Sacramento for three hours each day while he is there. Monday....I hit every Goodwill in the area. That was blast. Today, I decided to drive through my old stomping grounds to Old Sac. Since I was a little girl I have been going there. A must see for all our European friends and visitors to the area. A great place for The annual Christmas tree lighting and host to The Sacramento Jazz Festival on Memorial Day weekend, The huge "Gold Rush Days," celebration on labor and just an overall fun place to explore.


This is early morning. Soon the spaces will be full. Tourists will be taking pictures and filling the streets.  Keep in mind that you can buy a parking permit/ticket and place it on your dashboard. This ticket will work all over Sacramento. So, keep it for later if it's not expired. There are also meters that take quarters. One quarter will buy you about 15 minutes. Plan to spend a few hours here if not all day. There are several nearby parking garages as well.

Currently Old Sacramento is getting decked out for The Fourth of July. Many of the buildings still adorn the original hardware, like the huge metal shutters seen here in black.  All the sidewalks are made of wood. You really feel like you are in old western times.

Parts of Old Sacramento are paved in cobblestone. This adds to it's charm, but don't wear heels.  These pictures were taken extremely early. It will be extremely crowded by afternoon. There are many events held here throughout the year. We have been here for light shows, western showdowns, and once a year they go all out with a full-blown western celebration. 

I love this little, "one room school house" Take the kids in and you'll meet a docent that  can answer any questions you may have. Complete with typical desk, school supplies, chalkboards and lesson from the past. 
Who wouldn't want to step into this shop? So inviting.

Again, who wouldn't want to step into this shop?  So inviting LOL. Love a good candy store.  This one carries just about everything including old favorites like Mary Jane and candy buttons. The candy store is always a good incentive (AKA bribe) for the children at the end of the day if they behaved well. Works for mine.
My favorite shop in Old Sacramento: Christmas Co.  It's just a fabulous store.

A small peek inside from the front door. They do a display for the current holiday, but  the whole shop is Christmas. 

You can see in this photo just how far back the shop goes. In the back is a big gorgeous fireplace.  The displays constantly change. Right now it is traditional green and red with a great vintage ladder and a little sneaky elf climbing up the tree. Too cute. No pictures allowed. I guess you better visit.


Pioneer Park....the original level of Old Sacramento. I loved this area. Amazing.


\The Sacramento River and the iconic Tower Bridge

Joe's Crab Shack on the River. Casual fun dining for the family. Great view  on river.

The famous Delta Queen...dinner on the river. Wonderful old steam boat.

My favorite place to eat in Old Sacramento...or even just grab a drink. Maybe I am partial. Lots of good memories. One of my first dates with my husband. What a trip for him (hadn't been in The States long and would you believe as we sipped cocktails there one day we watched Elvis get married on the Delta Queen?)


The California State Railroad Museum.

This is the biggest celebration in Old Sacramento

So many great museums right here on Old Sacramento. Don't forget you can take a river taxi to various restaurants up the river. A very fun thing to do.

There is a great river walk and you are just five minutes away on foot to a modern mall. 

Come'll have  a great time!